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Supporting offenders with communication needs
Read a blog from Tony Bowman of the SOLD Network to learn about why some people with communication and understanding difficulties come into conflict with the law and what can be done to break a cycle of reoffending.
Sex offenders register explained
In this blog, the Acting Secretary to the Council, David Dickson, explains how the sex offenders register operates.
Life sentences explained
A life sentence is the highest penalty available in Scotland's courts. In this blog, we explain the different stages of the sentence, including the punishment part, the parole process, and release on life licence.
Community Justice Scotland: New training course for people involved in the delivery of unpaid work
Community Justice Scotland’s Learning, Development and Innovation Lead James Murphy explains the importance of training front line workers to support people completing Community Payback Orders.
10 facts about the sentencing young people guideline
The sentencing young people guideline applies in cases where the person being sentenced is 24 or under. It reflects the need for a more individualistic approach when sentencing young people. In our latest blog, we set out key facts about the guideline.