
Council publishes report on the sentencing of stalking offences in Scotland
The Council has published a new literature review examining the sentencing of stalking offences in Scotland.

New legislation on sentencing offenders who have been on electronically monitored bail
The time an offender has spent on electronically monitored (tagged) bail (EM bail) will be able to be treated as time served for sentencing purposes under new legislation coming into force on 1 July 2024.

Forfar Problem-solving Court
Sheriff Jillian Martin Brown has written a blog about the problem-solving court in Forfar. In it she talks about the specialist approach the court takes to sentencing many of the women and young men convicted of summary (less serious) offences.

Alcohol court project launched
A pilot ‘alcohol court’ has been launched in Glasgow, aiming to deliver sentences tailored to help change offenders’ behaviour.

Business Plan 2018-21
The Council is beginning to consider its second Business Plan, covering the period 2018-21.