Spotlight on sentencing
From time to time, we feature relevant guest blogs from interested organisations and individuals. These blogs do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Scottish Sentencing Council, but can add to the broader discussion and debate of issues around sentencing. If you would like to contribute a guest blog, please email us or use our contact form.

From Bucharest to Scotland: Key Insights from EUROCRIM 2024
In this blog, the Council’s Senior Research Officer, Hannah Downey, discusses her recent visit to 2024’s European Society of Criminology conference.

Sentencing criminals who reoffend when released early from prison
A blog from Council member Sheriff Iain Fleming

10 facts about the sentencing young people guideline
The sentencing young people guideline applies in cases where the person being sentenced is 24 or under. It reflects the need for a more individualistic approach when sentencing young people. In our latest blog, we set out key facts about the guideline.

Community Justice Scotland: New training course for people involved in the delivery of unpaid work
Community Justice Scotland’s Learning, Development and Innovation Lead James Murphy explains the importance of training front line workers to support people completing Community Payback Orders.

Life sentences explained
A life sentence is the highest penalty available in Scotland's courts. In this blog, we explain the different stages of the sentence, including the punishment part, the parole process, and release on life licence.