Spotlight on sentencing
From time to time, we feature relevant guest blogs from interested organisations and individuals. These blogs do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Scottish Sentencing Council, but can add to the broader discussion and debate of issues around sentencing. If you would like to contribute a guest blog, please email us or use our contact form.

Sentencing criminals who reoffend when released early from prison
A blog from Council member Sheriff Iain Fleming

Forfar problem-solving court
The problem-solving court in Forfar provides a specialist approach to sentencing many of the women and young men charged and convicted of summary (less serious) offences. Sheriff Jillian Martin Brown presides over the court, and in this blog, talks about how the problem-solving approach operates.

Edinburgh Alcohol Problem Court
Sheriff Frank Crowe presides over the Alcohol Problem Court launched last year at Edinburgh Sheriff Court. Here he explains how it works and some of its recent successes.

Glasgow Drug Court
The Glasgow Drug Court has held its first ‘graduation’. Here, Sheriff Lindsay Wood explains what led up to this momentous event.