New sentencing videos

A new series of four introductory videos has been added to our website.
Our video 'If you were the judge' follows the court case of Jack who has caused alarm in a nightclub and assaulted the steward. The video explains what the sheriff will think about when sentencing Jack and what sentences are available in Scotland. Viewers can visit our interactive web page to decide what sentence they would give Jack - if they were the judge.
Two more videos show:
- how sentencing works for victims of crime
- what different sentences mean for offenders and their families.
The final video explains sentencing in an easy to understand way.
These new videos are an addition to our website material which includes an interactive scenario following the separate court case of Paul, who has robbed a shop. As web users go through his case, they decide what happens next - for example, whether Paul will plead guilty or whether he has previous convictions. Finally, they choose what sentence they would give him.
Our website also includes pages on sentencing laws; the factors a judge will consider when deciding a sentence, and the sentences available in Scotland. All the information is linked to our jargon buster which explains legal terminology in an easy to understand way.
We are building our website as a comprehensive sentencing resource as part of our work to raise awareness and understanding of sentencing.
If you would like to suggest further material, please email us.