Member of Scottish Youth Parliament blogs on sentencing of young people consultation workshop

The Scottish Sentencing Council held a consultation workshop on the sentencing of young people at the Scottish Youth Parliament’s 70th National Sitting on 27th October 2019.
The workshop focused on some key questions which the Council has been considering in relation to its draft sentencing young people guideline. It was preceded by the Scottish Youth Parliament’s online #WhatsYourTake survey, which included two of the questions that were discussed at the workshop.
The findings of the workshop and online survey have been considered by the Council’s Sentencing Young People Committee and have helped to inform the approach to the upcoming public consultation on the draft sentencing young people guideline.
Ryan Kelly, Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) for Coatbridge and Chryston, who helped to facilitate the workshop has written a blog about the event, which has been published today.
In response to Ryan’s blog, Sue Moody, the Scottish Sentencing Council’s victims expert and a member of its Sentencing Young People Committee, said:
“We would like to thank members of the Scottish Youth Parliament for attending this workshop and for their considered and insightful views. The workshop, which was well attended, showed MSYPs have a real interest in the sentencing of young people. Special thanks to Ryan for helping to facilitate the day’s events and for his blog, which is a very helpful summary of the issues discussed.
“Our work with the SYP is part of a wide ranging programme of research and engagement aimed at informing our approach to the forthcoming guideline on the sentencing of young people. We are about to launch a public consultation on our draft guideline and before we do we will publish further research so people can come to a considered view on the draft guideline.
“It is important for the Council to get the widest possible views on our work and we look forward to working with the Scottish Youth Parliament again on areas of mutual interest.”