Applications now invited to fill two positions on Scottish Sentencing Council

Applications are now being invited to fill solicitor member and Justice of the Peace positions on the Scottish Sentencing Council at an exciting time for the organisation.
The Scottish Sentencing Council was established in 2015 to promote consistency and transparency in sentencing practice, assist in developing sentencing policy and promote better understanding of sentencing across Scotland.
The Council is responsible for producing sentencing guidelines for the approval of the High Court of Justiciary, and is chaired by the Lord Justice Clerk. Membership includes five other judicial office holders, three legal members, a police officer, a victims’ expert and one further lay member.
The first sentencing guideline is due to be submitted to the High Court shortly and the Council is preparing to publish its second Business Plan covering 2018-21.
Applications are welcomed and encouraged from the widest possible range of eligible persons and particularly from protected groups covered by the Equality Act 2010.
Application packs and further details on the recruitment exercise are available from the Council’s website here
JPs who wish to be considered for appointment should apply by way of a note of interest (no longer than 1,500 words) explaining how their skills and experience fit them for appointment.
Solicitors can apply by downloading a copy of the application form and submit it together with their CV to Applicants should submit the equal opportunities monitoring form alongside their application.
The closing date for applications is 18 September 2018.