2017-18 Annual Report

The Scottish Sentencing Council’s third Annual Report was submitted to the Cabinet Secretary for Justice on Wednesday 19 September. It was subsequently laid before Parliament on Tuesday 25 September.
The 2017/18 Annual Report sets out key achievements, ongoing work, and financial information for the period covering 1April 2017 to 31March 2018
Throughout 2017-18 the Council has continued its work to develop Scotland’s first sentencing guidelines. A public consultation on the draft Principles and Purposes of Sentencing guideline was held, which attracted responses from a wide variety of individuals and organisations.
Good progress was also made in developing a guideline setting out the sentencing process, with a public consultation expected to take place in 2019. Work has commenced on developing guidelines on the sentencing of young people, causing death by driving and environmental and wildlife offences.
The Council continued to engage extensively with stakeholders, academics and other interested parties throughout the year to seek views on its work and approach.
Looking to the future, the Council started to consider potential topics to include in the work programme for its next business plan covering the period 2018-2021. This is due to be published in October this year.