Sexual Offences Committee
Remit and terms of reference
The Sexual Offences Working Group Committee will support the Scottish Sentencing Council in its preparation of sentencing guidelines on sexual offences.
The Committee will oversee all aspects of the development of the guidelines until submission to the High Court and will give consideration thereafter to ongoing monitoring of the guidelines. The Council will specify the expected lifetime of the committee. This may be reviewed and, if appropriate, amended by the Council during the committee’s lifetime. The Committee’s work will include, in particular:
- making recommendations to the Council as to the scope, content, and approach of the guidelines
- identifying knowledge and information gaps relevant to the development of the guidelines, submitting any proposals for research to the Research Committee
- reviewing draft guidelines prepared by the secretariat, providing advice and direction as required while having regard to any guideline methodology and drafting style agreed by the Council
- supporting engagement with relevant stakeholders at all stages of the guideline development process
- overseeing the judicial and public consultation process, including the preparation of consultation documents and impact assessments
The Committee will report regularly to the Council on the progress of guideline development, making recommendations and, where appropriate, referring significant or potentially controversial decisions to the Council.
Current Members

The Right Hon. Lord Matthews
Lord Matthews will hold office until November 2025.
Lord Matthews is the Senator member of the Council.

Lindsey Miller
Lindsey will hold office until October 2026.
Lindsey is the Prosecutor member of the Council.

DCC Bex Smith
DCC Smith will hold office until June 2029.
DCC Smith is the Constable member of the Council.

Sheriff Matt Jackson KC
Sheriff Jackson was appointed as an advisor to the Sexual Offences Committee in December 2021.
Sheriff Jackson was the Council's Advocate member until his appointment as sheriff. Sheriff Jackson sits on the Sexual Offences Committee as an advisor by invitation of the Council.

Sheriff Andrew McIntyre
Sheriff McIntyre was appointed as an advisor to the Sexual Offences Committee in February 2021.
Sheriff McIntyre was the Council's Summary Sheriff member until his appointment as sheriff. Sheriff McIntyre sits on the Sexual Offences Committee as an advisor by invitation of the Council.