Communications and Engagement Committee
Remit and terms of reference
The Committee supports the Council in its communications and engagement activity, focusing in particular on its statutory objective to “promote greater awareness and understanding of sentencing policy and practice”.
The Committee will assist the Council in delivering the Communications and Engagement Strategy, in particular by:
- building the Council’s public profile
- identifying and overseeing promotional and public education projects and events
- identifying areas for collaboration with others, including contribution to public education projects, and participating in/attending conferences and events
- overseeing the development of promotional and informational materials including further website development
Consideration will be given to the following key areas:
- developing the website and other relevant material as accessible resources
- raising awareness of sentencing policy and practice
- developing a comprehensive strategy for communications around guidelines
- engaging with the judiciary, practitioners, media, justice delivery organisations, stakeholders, and the wider public
- preparing key messages on Council business
- evaluating Council communications and engagement work
- providing and disseminating helpful and accurate sentencing information, including in collaboration with relevant organisations
In preparing the Communications and Engagement Strategy, the Committee will take due account of the needs of different audiences and tailor relevant activity accordingly.
Minutes will be published on the website in accordance with the Council's Standing Orders.
Current Members

Lindsey Miller
Lindsey will hold office until October 2026.
Lindsey is the Prosecutor member of the Council.

Joanne McMillan
Joanne will hold office until May 2028.
Joanne is the Solicitor member of the Council.

Lynn Burns
Lynn will hold office until July 2028.
Lynn is the Victims expert member of the Council.

Sheriff Amel Elfallah
Sheriff Elfallah was appointed as an advisor to the Communications Committee in May 2024.
Sheriff Elfallah was the Council's Summary Sheriff member until her appointment as a sheriff. Sheriff Elfallah is an advisor to the Council and sits on the Communications Committee as an advisor by invitation of the Council.

Sheriff Paul Brown
Sheriff Brown was appointed as an advisor to the Communications Committee in September 2021.
Sheriff Paul Brown was the Council's Summary Sheriff member until his appointment as sheriff. Sheriff Brown sits on the Communications Committee as an advisor by invitation of the Council.
Communications Committee meetings
Communications Committee meeting 19
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Communications Committee meeting 18
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
The 18th meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 26 September 2023.
Communications Committee meeting 17
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
The 17th meeting of the Communications Committee took place on Wednesday 31 May, 2023.
Communications Committee meeting 16
Wednesday, 08 February 2023
The 16th meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 08 February 2023.
Communications Committee meeting 15
Thursday, 15 December 2022
The 15th meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 15 December 2022.
Communications Committee meeting 14
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
The 14th meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 25 October 2022.
Communications Committee meeting 13
Thursday, 04 August 2022
The 13th meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 04 August 2022.
Communications Committee meeting 12
Tuesday, 08 February 2022
The twelfth meeting of the Communications Committee took place on Tuesday 8 February, 2022
Agenda and draft minutes
Communications Committee meeting 11
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Communications Committee meeting 10
Thursday, 05 August 2021
Communications Committee meeting 9
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Communications Committee Meeting 7
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
The seventh meeting of the Communications Committee took place on Wednesday 12 February, 2020 at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.
Agenda and Minutes
Communications Committee Meeting 6
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Communications Committee Meeting 5
Thursday, 21 March 2019
The fifth meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 21 March, 2019 at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.
Agenda and Minutes
Communications Committee Meeting 4
Monday, 03 September 2018
Communications Committee Meeting 3
Monday, 19 February 2018
The third meeting of the Communications Committee will take place on 21 February, 2018 at Parliament House, Edinburgh.
Agenda and Minutes
Communications Committee Meeting 2
Thursday, 14 September 2017
The second meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 14 September, 2017 at Parliament House, Edinburgh.
Agenda and Minutes
Communications Committee Meeting 1
Thursday, 13 October 2016
The first meeting of the Communications Committee took place on 13 October, 2016 at Parliament House, Edinburgh.
Agenda and Minutes